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Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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Fund Directors Course and the importance of women on boards

I am pleased to share that I have obtained a Certificate of Achievement for completing the Experienced Investor Fund (EIF) Directors...

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Female Fund Directors Graduate

The Fund Directors Course held recently at Hassans came to an end earlier this week, with a certificate presentation ceremony for all...

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The gift that keeps on giving

Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter is either a car crash in progress or a masterclass in turning a company’s fortunes around.  Either...

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Gibraltar/UK – a relationship continuing to pay dividends

The tone of unofficial Treasury comments following last week's meeting between PM Sunak and Chancellor Hunt suggests the UK government...

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Legal 500 EMEA delivers top tier rankings for Hassans

Following an 8-month long research period, collating feedback from over 300,000 in-house counsel and clients of law firms across c.100...

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Getting the Deal Through – Digital Business

Members of our Corporate & Commercial, Litigation and Financial Services teams have come together to co-author the recently published...

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GMGM Limited obtains a VASP registration with the GFSC to support the project

Congratulations to GMGM Limited which has successfully registered with the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC) under the...

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The Making of the Modern Tax Base

As Series 5 of International Tax Bites comes to a close, the podcast hosts Grahame Jackson (Hassans' Tax Partner) and Harriet Brown...

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Turncoin Limited secures VASP registration to sell its security token: TurnCoin

Hassans has assisted Turncoin Limited with obtaining its registration with the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC) as a...

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The Cudos Network Foundation launches in Gibraltar

Congratulations to the Cudos group for launching their Cudos Network Foundation! The Cudos Network Foundation (Cudos Foundation) is set...

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EU propose Cyber Resilience Act: The first EU-wide legislation of its kind

On September 15th, the European Commission published a proposal for a Cyber Resilience Act (“CRA”) aimed at introducing common...

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Automatic Exchange of Information – Aligning the Scope of Beneficiaries

As from the 1st September 2022, following completion of the 2022 reporting cycle, the Gibraltar Competent Authority has amended its...

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Hassans’ Partners take a historic win in the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Hassans’ Partners Daniel Feetham KC and Moshe Levy, together with Hassans’ consultant Rowan Pennington-Benton, have succeeded before the...

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Esports & Interactive Entertainment

Once confined to the bedrooms of teenagers, video games have grown to something much larger in recent years. Whether it’s LAN parties,...

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Breaking the Chain – Directed Acyclic Graph (“DAG”) challenges Blockchain’s dominance

The FinTech industry has undoubtedly seen an incredible rise in recent years. With new technology comes as a great deal of jargon and...

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Tokenisation of Property – an Untapped Treasure Trove?

With the massive growth in metaverse developments and investment experienced recently, one question comes to mind; how might we apply...

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Gibraltar Spanish Tax Treaty – What impact is it having on individuals?

What are the aims of the Gibraltar Spanish Tax Treaty? The Gibraltar Spanish Tax treaty was brought in to attempt to eliminate...

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Airlines issuing Nfts – AirBaltic being the first, will Emirates be next?

AirBaltic are about to release their second NFT collection - ‘Planies’. A new NFT collection of 10,000 unique cartoon aircraft designs....

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Worth a punt?

An extremely interesting article (link below) worth reading and reflecting upon in its entirety.  At its core it identifies and analyses...

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Advice for entrepreneurs – common legal mistakes when starting a business

Setting up a new business can be an exhilarating time and the culmination of a dream. However, in most cases, this is a brave leap into...

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Common issues when starting a business.

Setting up a new business can be an exhilarating time and the culmination of a dream. However, in most cases, this is a brave leap into...

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Hassans ranked Band 1 in Chambers High Net Worth Guide 2022

Five of Hassans’ Partners have been ranked as Band 1 lawyers in this year’s Chambers High Net Worth (HNW) Guide launched today with the...

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WAGMI Limited, a subsidiary of Fragbite Group AB (publ), obtains a VASP registration in Gibraltar

WAGMI Limited (“WAGMI”), a subsidiary of Fragbite Group AB (publ) (“Fragbite”), announces its successful registration as a “Virtual...

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Consumer Awareness on Hiring Builders

The Office of Fair Trading has issued a consumer guidance note highlighting some of the important considerations one should keep in mind...

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Amero secures its VASP registration in Gibraltar

Congratulations to Amero (Gibraltar) Limited which has successfully registered with the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC) as...

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James Lasry elected as Chairman of GFIA

After a two-year hiatus, James Lasry, Head of Funds and Deputy Head of Financial Services at Hassans, has been reappointed as Chairman of...

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Reappointment as Chairman of GFIA.

After two-years as Deputy Chairman, I am delighted to have been reappointed as Chairman of the Gibraltar Funds and Investments...

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New York Supreme Court: Approves Court Notice Served Via NFT – LCX AG V John Does 1-2

LCX a FinTech cryptocurrency exchange company in Liechtenstein was hacked for almost $8 million in cryptoassets. The Defendant in...

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Individuals holding cryptoassets: uptake and understanding

Interesting report here commissioned by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) exploring the cryptoasset market in the UK.  Last year HMRC...

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Ban on hunting trophies – old news in Gibraltar, whilst the UK still gazes into the horizon for progress.

One of the things that makes Gibraltar so attractive as a jurisdiction for business is that our size enables our legislature to be...

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