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Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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M&A Comparative Guide 2022 launched.

The Hassans Corporate Tax team (Partners Tim Garcia and Matthew Torres, along with Consultant Michael Castiel and Associate James...

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WFH contractual obligations and considerations post-pandemic and Brexit.

The pandemic and consequential restrictions resulted in many employers having to make arrangements for homeworking for a significant...

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Pillar 1 – Amount A: Public Consultation on Model Rules

The OECD opened a public consultation this past Monday 4 April (albeit with an imminent deadline date of 18 April) eliciting comments...

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Access to Gibraltar insurance market by Swiss insurers

The Financial Services (Specified Insurers) (Temporary Exemption) Regulations 2020 were recently amended on 1st April 2022 to include...

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New Dual Regime for Gibraltar funds

Gibraltar funds may now opt out of the AIFMD regulations so that they can be completely competitive with funds from the Channel Islands...

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Tulip Trading Ltd v Bitcoin Association for BSV & others

For many, the big question in recent times has been where developers of emerging publicly adopted projects will fit within regulation and...

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ITB Podcast: Suspension by UK of its tax information exchange relationships with Russia.

In this bonus episode of International Tax Bites, myself and my podcast partner and co-author of A Practitioner's Guide To International...

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Environmental Law Developments in Gibraltar

Hassans has been catching up recently with Associates to discuss key developments in sectors that we're passionate about. It was my turn...

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Tax Information Exchange between Russia and UK suspended

In the last few weeks, since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a number of sanctions have been introduced to put pressure on Russia. One...

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Who would be a Director?

A very intriguing situation, the process and results of which may have a wider resonance to the discharging of directorships....

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Facebook’s past privacy practices fail under regulatory scrutiny

The consensus among data security professionals is that a security breach is not a matter of if, but a matter of when. Breaches lead to...

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Gala Dinner for International Women’s Day 2022 – The Ladies that Rock the Rock.

I had the pleasure of attending the International Women's Day Gala Dinner at the Sunborn Hotel yesterday evening with colleagues and...

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#breakthebias – Gillian Guzman celebrates 10 years as Gibraltar’s first female QC

Today celebrates International Women’s Day with #breakthebias the hashtag being lauded around social media. Aptly, today also sees the...

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The Rock-Solid Digital Revolution

The digital revolution the world over is in plain sight, especially via the use of digital apps on all communication devices (mobile,...

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A cat and mouse game for the ages

As markets and practice develop in the NFT space, regulators are in a race to stay ahead, or at least to keep up with, a steady stream of...

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Ukraine Flag NFT sells for $6.75m

The crypto community has gone all-in in support of Ukraine’s war efforts. Everyone in the business has a contact, client or a team in...

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Coffee Break Catch Up with… me!

I really enjoyed discussing the real estate sector in Gibraltar. In this instalment of the Coffee Break Catch Up series, you will see my...

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The Emergence of Gibraltar Crypto Foundations

Last year I wrote a piece on how Gibraltar Private Foundations can serve as “off-chain” support vehicles for decentralised crypto...

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Tokenised Funds: A Solution to Liquidity Issues?

On 3 February 2022, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) published its fourth annual statistical report on the...

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20 years at the top of the table in Chambers and Partners Global

Hassans is today celebrating 20 years of being ranked in the top tier of Chambers and Partners, one of the world’s leading legal...

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Smart Contracts Saving IP?

Following the introduction of the internet and social media, opportunities to exploit the ownership of digital content have expanded...

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Gibraltar providing legal & regulatory certainty to creators of NFT collections

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are digital units on a blockchain that can represent ownership of an underlying asset, such as digital art....

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Questions raised by the Metaverse

In the first instance, the potential expansion of Intellectual Property (“IP”) usage brought about by the Metaverse is significant, and...

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M&A Activity in 2022: The Wave of Momentum

2021 proved to be a record year in terms of both value and volume of completed M&A transactions (USD 5.9 trillion to be precise). Despite...

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US tech giants coming under increasing pressure on data in EU

The findings by French authorities that a company’s use of Google Analytics constitutes a breach of GDPR will send shivers down the spine...

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Cybersecurity threats rising

Last week, during a Hassans DLT webinar hosted by the Legal 500 I was asked, along with Anthony Provasoli and Aaron Payas, about...

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Why “protecting” retail crypto investors has the opposite effect

Bloomberg reported this week that the Irish Central Bank is “highly unlikely” to allow retail investment funds to hold crypto assets....

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Gibraltar a natural gateway into South America?

4 years ago with the looming threat of Brexit I set out my vision for a post Brexit Gibraltar-La Linea (in Southern Spain) financial hub....

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Hassans becomes the latest Strategic Partner to join CWEIC and the Commonwealth Legal Network

February 8, 2022 Hassans International Law Firm Limited has become the latest Strategic Partner to join the Commonwealth Enterprise &...

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Répondez s’il vous…now?

In an age where immediate interactions are possible, is delay acceptable?  As with most situations, the nuance of fact and circumstance...

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