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Hassans to sponsor International Women's Day event

Hassans is proud to be sponsoring the International Women's Day event hosted by the Gibraltar Federation of Small Businesses in support of this year's international theme #EachforEqual – An equal world is an enabled world. 

The event will open on Wednesday 4th March 2020 with a welcome reception hosted by Hassans on our rooftop terrace. The conference will continue on Thursday 5th March on board the Sunborn Hotel.

Abigail Cornelio, a partner at Hassans, will be on the panel titled "Change Management at Home and at Work". A number of our other partners and associates will be attending this inspiring event which celebrates women's achievements and helps raise awareness.

Below is a quote from Abigail on her involvement in the upcoming event.

I am looking forward to being a panellist at this year's International Women's Day Conference. It is important to celebrate and highlight social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women worldwide.

Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

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