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Hassans encourages staff to be environmentally conscious

In support of the Hassans Environmental Policy, the firm held a competition which involved staff members putting forward ideas of how we can be more environmentally friendly at the office. Here are some of the ideas our staff came up with:

  1. Turn off air conditioning or heating when leaving.
  2. Get a desk plant to improve indoor air quality.
  3. Use reusable water bottles and coffee cups.
  4. Walk or cycle to work, use public transport or share a ride.
  5. Think before you print. Print double sided and 2 pages on one side.
  6. Re-use envelopes for internal mail.
  7. Use  dishes and cutlery provided instead of disposable ones.
  8. Use hand dryers instead of paper towels.
  9. Recycle waste by disposing in the recycling bins.
  10. Consider whether travelling by plane for work is necessary or whether virtual participation suffices.
  11. Use unwanted printing, scrap paper or outdated stationary for notes.
  12. Have a few meat free lunches per week and pack in reusable containers.
  13. Turn off PCs and printers at the end of the day.

Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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