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The Legal 500 wheels keep turning; top tier across the board for Hassans.

When more pressing matters are prevalent, it feels perverse to celebrate success. In bad times (perhaps more so), as well as good, practical legal advice is paramount to see our clients through the difficult times, and to help them recover and thrive once the storm has passed. 

Thank you to our clients for entrusting us and taking the time to speak to The Legal 500, thank you to our ranked lawyers* who are working as hard as ever and should feel proud to quietly celebrate their accreditations, and thank you to Legal 500 for keeping the wheels rolling. 

*Banking and Finance: Francis Warne, Nigel Feetham, Tony Provasoli, Valerie Holliday, Yvonne Chu 

Commercial, Corporate and M&A: Abigail Cornelio, Ian Felice, Isaac Levy, James Levy CBE QC, Michael Castiel, Peter Montegriffo QC, Vikram Nagrani

Dispute Resolution: Daniel Feetham QC, Gillian Guzman QC, Lewis Baglietto QC, Darren Martinez

FinTech: Aaron Payas, Anthony Provasoli, Vikram Nagrani 

Investment Funds: James Lasry, Aaron Payas 

Gambling Law: Peter Montegriffo QC 

Private Client: Isaac Levy, James Levy CBE QC, Javier Chincotta, Peter Montegriffo QC, Vikram Nagrani

Real Estate and Construction: Nicholas Howard, Ian Farrell, Gemma Vasquez

Shipping: Lewis Baglietto 

Technology, Media & Telecoms: Anthony Provasoli, Peter Montegriffo QC and Vikram Nagrani 

Tax: Grahame Jackson, Michael Castiel

Whilst not much is guaranteed during this strange time, the people behind ranking law firms in the legal directories can, in an oddly reassuring way, always be relied on to keep the home fires burning. The very basic fact remains; whether we’re all enjoying the good times, or enduring the more difficult, the world will always need legal advice, and the likes of Legal 500 will continue to speak with over 300,000 clients globally to obtain their feedback on which law firms meet the criteria required by today’s in-house counsel and business leaders, wherever in the world their work takes them.

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