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Blockchain Rock celebrates its 1st birthday but who are the brains behind the podcasts?

Blockchain Rock celebrates its 1st birthday this week. Blockchain Rock explores the background of global influencers and thought leaders in the Blockchain space and has produced 16 in depth interviews in the last year, with the likes of the crypto legend Jon Matonis, Arsen Torosian, founder of TAP.GLOBAL and Mihai Ivascu, CEO at Modex, to highlight but a few.  

I wanted to know more about the the brains behind Blockchain Rock so jumped on a quick Zoom with co-founders Omri Bouton and Noelle Laguea to learn more about them, and their hopes for the future of Blockchain Rock. Click here to access the Q&A transcript.

For Blockchain Rock's latest interview, with no other than Yoni Assia, click here. Yoni is the founder and CEO at eToro, the largest social trading network in the world with 14 million registered users from more than 100 different countries.

Follow Blockchain Rock on LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube, Spotify and Apple Podcasts. 

💥From creating the world’s largest trading platform and innovating the financial services industry to inspiring the name of our very Blockchain Rock - our next guest is a bright rock star 🌟🎸 of the financial industry. Without further ado, please welcome Yoni Assia on Blockchain Rock! Yoni is the founder and CEO at eToro, the largest social trading network in the world with 14 million registered users from more than 100 different countries.

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