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Hassans' Ian Felice to represent Gibraltar in FIBA post-Covid19 planning talks


The Europe President, Turgay Demirel, of the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) has set up a working group to prepare a programme of assistance to the 50 National Federations post the COVID-19 crisis. 

Ian Felice, Partner within the Corporate team at Hassans, has been invited to represent Gibraltar to provide information on the impact caused by the crisis on Senior and Junior competitions (including schools and mini basketball programmes, senior and youth national teams, 3 x 3 programmes, operations and administration) to aid understanding of what assistance each Federation would be most in need of. 

Ian is the the Vice-President of the Gibraltar national basketball federation and has been a FIBA international basketball referee for 8 years, officiating in 5 European Nations finals. 

The 50 Federations have been split into 3 working groups, in accordance with the latest official FIBA World rankings for men, presented by Nike. Gibraltar's John Concalves will be responsible for the third group which includes: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Denmark, Gibraltar, Kosovo, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Norway, Portugal and San Marino.

The findings will be presented before the Board on Monday 11th May.

Ian Felice: "I am delighted to be representing Gibraltar Basketball on this important FIBA initiative. COVID-19 has impacted our sport and we need to work hard to ensure its recovery. For smaller federations, the support of FIBA Europe is invaluable."

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