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Feeding the Frontline Gibraltar restarts to provide support to Elderly Residential Services.

We are so pleased to be able to continue to support the excellent work of Feeding the Frontline (FTF) Gibraltar 

Having provided the GHA with hot meals during the last lockdown, FTF have restarted their initiative, this time to ensure that our dedicated team caring for our citizens at the Elderly Residential Services are also themselves well looked after.

Along with AquaGib and the provision of catering facilities at Casino Calpe Gibraltar, our funding will enable the team at FTF to provide 120 hot meals to the ERS each day, initially for the next four weeks. FTF will continue to be guided by the GHA throughout this wave to ensure assistance is provided where it is most needed.

FTF co-lead Gillaine Dellipiani was interviewed regarding the initiative yesterday by GBC News. During the interview Gillaine also expressed her gratitude to other organisations that have followed the FTF model and who have also been helping to support our essential services in Gibraltar.

The interview can be seen here:

More details on the initiative can also be found below.

Thank you to the whole team at FTF, the GHA, ERS and all frontline workers.

​Community project 'Feeding the Frontline' starts delivering 120 hot meals daily to ERS staff.

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