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Jemma Emmerson joins 33 Bedford Row as a Door Tenant

Congratulations to Associate Jemma Emmerson who has joined 33 Bedford Row as a Door Tenant and as a member of chambers' Civil, Commercial and International Team.

Jemma commented: 

"I am delighted to have joined 33 Bedford Row as a Door Tenant and as a member of chambers' Civil, Commercial and International Team.  

33 Bedford Row is an excellent set with a growing international presence in different jurisdictions and I welcome the opportunity to work with and learn from colleagues on international matters involving Gibraltar law and to build a closer alliance between chambers and Hassans."

A door tenant is a barrister who has been granted permission to join a set of chambers and work with them from premises outside the chambers themselves. In this instance, Jemma will continue to be based at Hassans as an Associate in the Property & Construction team. Jemma already works across several practice areas including commercial litigation, landlord and tenant and Sports Law

Jemma is a member of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple and was admitted to the Bar of England & Wales in 2015 and to the Gibraltar Bar in 2021.

Prior to joining Hassans, Jemma worked as a legal editor for Practical Law and, before that, as a paralegal at Taylor Wessing LLP in London.

The members of the Civil, Commercial and International Team are delighted to announce that Jemma Emmerson has joined 33 Bedford Row as a Door Tenant.

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