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Hassans presents the Sovereign Art Student Prize 2021

Gibraltar has been fortunate to be added to a lengthy list of countries to benefit from the annual Sovereign Art Foundation (SAF) Students Prize charitable competition.

Aimed at students in secondary educational institutions, and already a success in Bahrain, Guernsey, Hong Kong, the Isle of Man, London, Malta & Gozo, Mauritius, Portugal and Singapore, the aim of the competition is to recognise local artistic talent, with financial prizes for both the entrant and their school, whilst raising funds for local not-for-profit art initiatives, working with children to assist them in accessing enrichment from the arts.

As avid supporters of the local arts and culture scene in Gibraltar over the last 80 years, Hassans is very proud to be able to provide lead support of the inaugural competition. The firm has a strong commitment to its wider community and firmly believes that it is the duty of local organisations to support the development of our youth and that the opportunities open to Gibraltar’s next generation should be equal, no matter what disadvantage or disability the individual is facing.

The twenty finalists were announced this weekend. With an esteemed judging panel comprising the world-renowned Gibraltarian contemporary artist, Christian Hook; Gallerist and Curator Magda Bellotti, Arts & Heritage professor Gabriela Giménez, and Howard Bilton, Founder and Chairman of SAF, the works selected will are diverse and will potentially unearth Gibraltar’s next internationally acclaimed artist.

The shortlisted artworks, which can be seen and voted on here, will be displayed at the Finalists’ Exhibition at the Fine Arts Gallery, Casemates: 6-11 December and John Mackintosh Hall: 13-17 December. The exhibition will then tour various Gibraltar venues including St. Bernard’s Hospital and our own offices before being sold via silent auction.

The winners will be announced at an Awards Presentation Ceremony on 15 December with four prizes awarded to four different students. All winners will also participate in an annual Global Students Prize exhibition, showcasing their talent on an international stage and facilitating cultural exchange.

We wish all the finalists the very best of luck.

The Sovereign Art Foundation has announced 20 finalists for its 2021 Gibraltar Students Prize, shortlisted from 126 submissions.

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