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| 1 minute read

Coffee Break Catch Up with… me!

I really enjoyed discussing the real estate sector in Gibraltar. In this instalment of the Coffee Break Catch Up series, you will see my own thoughts and views on:

(i) the current state of the private residential property market in Gibraltar,

(ii) the five main benefits to investing in property in Gibraltar and,

(iii) other developments I would like to see implemented in Gibraltar.

Please do get in touch if you would like to discuss residential or commercial property in Gibraltar – I look forward to it!

...we speak to Meera Aswani, a Senior Associate in our Property Team. Meera joined Hassans in 2016 after working previously at magic circle firm, Linklaters, in London, since 2011.

Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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