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Fund Directors Course and the importance of women on boards

I am pleased to share that I have obtained a Certificate of Achievement for completing the Experienced Investor Fund (EIF) Directors Course which took place earlier this year. 

The course, led by James Lasry, Partner at Hassans, covered Gibraltar's regulatory regime for different types of funds in Gibraltar and covered directors' roles, responsibilities and duties, the role of fund administrators and custodians and requirements of the Corporate Governance Code for Gibraltar prepared by the Gibraltar Funds and Investment Association. I found it particularly interesting to learn about the social dynamics of boards and to hear from EIF directors, including Yvonne Chu, Partner at Hassans. 

Whilst juggling returning to full time work after my maternity leave and running around after a toddler at home, I was initially hesitant to participate in this course. Nonetheless, I found myself 'leaning in' (to use Sheryl Sandburg's famous expression) to this opportunity. The course highlighted that each participant had qualities, experiences and viewpoints that would prove valuable to any board which definitely improved my self-confidence at work!

Unfortunately, women are still a minority in leadership positions across all countries and industries - the EY-Cranfield Female FTSE Board Report concludes "whilst over 50% of the population is female, there is a significant absence of women from our top leadership roles". However, companies with higher percentage of women at the helm are better work environments for employees of all genders. Having different perspectives and diversity on boards is not only fair but it makes for better business decisions. The goal of the Fund Director Course was to increase the number of women who are authorised in Gibraltar by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission as EIF directors - a step towards improving gender parity.

If anyone is interested in discussing women on boards generally, please do reach out for a chat!

"We have a wealth of excellent female business leaders, but not enough who have had the opportunity to gain the training and experience to get authorised as EIF Directors" says James Lasry

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