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Christmas Charitable Giving.

Looking good Hassans in support of Christmas Jumper Day in aid of Save The Children

A rainy but balmy 17 degs in Gibraltar, the annual occasion is the unofficial start of the festive season and what better a way to kick it off with a bit of jumper silliness whilst raising money for the little ones that should have the privilege of enjoying this time of year, more so than anyone.

Well done also to the EV Foundation Trust who each year work tirelessly, and especially at Christmas time, to make sure local children all receive a gift, and who we are pleased to be able to support. But this year has been particularly difficult for so many, and despite having raised a brilliant £20k in food vouchers, their gift appeal needs more help. If you can still donate, please do. 

And thanks to our intern Sofia Baglietto, who joined the Hassans' Elves on their tin shaking round today to raise money for local charity Research Into Childhood Cancer, and to all our staff, of which there are many, who do their own charitable work supporting many amazing causes throughout the year, not only at Christmas. 

Merry Christmas Everyone, do what you can. 

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