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Wellbeing at work - it's more than fruit on a Friday

A few weeks ago I attended a workshop hosted by GibSams on how to be a wellbeing leader. I went into the classroom not knowing what to expect. What I learnt is that people of all levels of any organisation should be listening to, understanding and supporting the people around them. This is the most important step to achieving wellbeing in the work place. 

Many of us already do this informally, but the workshop taught me that there are certain skills required to be an effective listener. It was only when Kerstin Andlaw (the workshop leader) asked us to pair up and listen to our partner for 5 minutes without saying a single word or showing any emotion that I realised just how hard it is to simply listen to someone. 

Its not just about the people on the ground, some of us need encouragement to (a) be open and take the time to listen to others and (b) feel comfortable to approach others for support. This is where the business itself takes the important role of encouraging its people and implementing programmes to make wellbeing a priority. 

Over the past months, I have had the pleasure of working with my fellow Associates Board members (David Montegriffo, Meera Aswani and Gian Massetti) and the Management Committee on the design and implementation of the firms Mentorship Programme. This important step shows Hassans commitment to the wellbeing of its fee earners (for more information on our mentorship programme please click here: Hassans Launches Mentorship Programme - Your Gibraltar TV (YGTV) ). Looking to the future, we look forward to seeing the positive results this programme will offer and we will continue to explore additional ways to open communication and support lines across the firm. 

Hassans joins others like Clifford Chance and Simmons & Simmons who are making the wellbeing of its people a priority. 

“I’m a strong believer that free fruit on a Friday isn’t wellbeing. Being able to share and have honest conversations, so that people are able to go “it’s not just me!”, can make a real difference.” Caroline Turner-Inskip (partner and wellbeing officer at Simmons & Simmons)

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