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Women’s Insurance Network launched in Gibraltar

What a fantastic turnout at the Women’s Insurance Network (WIN) inaugural breakfast launch this morning at The Queen’s Picturehouse. Thank you to everyone that attended.

I was so humbled to see so many ladies and gents join us. As 1/8th of the WIN Steering Group, I’m personally really excited about what we’re going achieve.

With insurance being a predominantly male oriented sector, our aim is to help the younger generation of ladies enter, and reach senior positions, within the insurance sector. We are seeing time and time again, a diverse demographic enter the industry but then experience blockers to progression. Through networking, guidance, coaching and offering a safe environment, we will discuss and look at strategies to overcome these barriers to success. By providing a platform for young professional to access help, we will together achieve progressive growth, development and success, whatever that looks like for each individual.

If you’re already working in Insurance, or wish to enter the industry, please join our network. Two fellow Steering Group members, Erika Pozo and Lorraine Povedano will be joining Denise Matthews for a “Breaking Barriers” panel at Start Up Grind on Wednesday 24th May, register See Breaking Barriers: WIN Mission & Exploring the Potential of the Insurance Sector at Startup Grind Gibraltar if you are keen to hear what they have to say. We will also be holding a network breakfast event at Hassans on 27th September, please follow us here Women's Insurance Network Gibraltar (WIN) to be notified of the details.

..powerful messages for championing positive change for Women within the local Insurance sector.

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