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Aspire Conference - Sustainable Built Environment for Gibraltar

The Aspire conference held last week at the Sunborn, spearheaded by The Department of the Environment, Sustainability, Climate Change and Heritage, brought together industry professionals, researchers, experts, Government Ministers, MPs, NGOs and enthusiasts dedicated to advancing sustainable building practices in Gibraltar. 

With key note speakers delivering sessions on innovative design, sustainable construction and shaping a greener future delegates participated in interactive workshops and engaged in stimulating panel sessions centered around the environmental and social impact of new and existing buildings, retrofitting and the use of technology to reduce emissions in the built environment in Gibraltar.

Hassans’ property and environment team, including those that attended the conference (Karl Ghio, Nick Howard, Meera Aswani, Tania Rahmany and Gemma Vasquez), are legal advisors to a large proportion of current and past building projects in Gibraltar, and advocates in promoting sustainability, echoing Minster John Cortes’ sentiment “sustainable building and an improved built environment are essential to deliver a healthier and more resilient future for Gibraltar.

Highlights of the day included sessions from Tony Juniper CBE from Friends of the Earth and Catriona Brady from World Green Building Council and Hassans’ Gemma Vasquez on the Gibraltar Climate Change Act and the Considerate Constructors Scheme.

For local organisations or individuals in Gibraltar who have an initiative which promotes sustainability in this space, a reminder that we are currently running the Hassans Environment Prize, a chance to win up to £7,000 to support the launch or progression of a project which covers one or more of the following criteria; Climate change mitigation, sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, transition to a circular economy, waste prevention and recycling, pollution prevention and control and/or biodiversity conservation and nature resource conservation including protection of healthy ecosystems.

Full details can be found here.

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