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Albert Mena appointed a Commander of the British Empire in the King’s Birthday Honour List.

Congratulations to Hassans’ Partner Albert Mena who was appointed a Commander of the British Empire in the King’s Birthday Honour List. Albert returned to private practice at Hassans in 2022 having served as Financial Secretary to HM Government of Gibraltar since 2014.

As remarked by Gibraltar’s Chief Minister, The Hon Fabian Picardo KC:

“The award to him of the CBE reflects the huge effort Albert made to serve our people to the very best of his great ability in all the time he was employed as Financial Secretary. His achievements, in particular in the design and execution of the BEAT schemes during the pandemic, stand on their own. But the fact is that Albert went above and beyond the call of ordinary duty in everything that he did as Financial Secretary, as he does in life generally, as an incredible over-achiever of the sort that puts us all to shame, both in effort and in attainment. The recognition by His Majesty of this extraordinary Gibraltarian is therefore more than fitting and I am sure that I am speaking for all of the good People of Gibraltar when I congratulate Albert and thank him for his service and his continued support and commitment to Gibraltar and the rightful cause of its People.”


Hassans’ Senior Partner, James Levy CBE KC, adds his own congratulations on behalf of everyone at Hassans:

 “On behalf of the firm, we congratulate Albert. We are all proud of his achievement and this honour which is so richly deserved."

“On behalf of the firm, we congratulate Albert. We are all proud of his achievement and this honour which is so richly deserved.

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