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Is Age Just a Number?

An interesting article suggesting there's life in this old(er) legal dog yet.

Flippancy aside, it posits the question whether there are some tasks (including in professional advisory fields) which may be optimally performed by certain age groups. 

There can obviously be a multitude of other variables that can impact upon such analysis, but in the advent of AI-led efficiencies (perhaps in some part by way of post-pandemic and inflationary-mitigating market response), further research into correlations between age (and other factors) that can enhance our approaches to tasks (including in the provision of legal services) may be of practical benefit. 

Service providers that are attuned to such novel ways to improve delivery may use these to distinguish themselves from their competitors.

The assumption that ageing is inevitably a process of cognitive and physical decline is one Daniel Levitin, professor of neuroscience at McGill University, sought to challenge in his book The Changing Mind. “Our societal narrative is not based on science – it’s based entirely on prejudice,”

Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

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