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WIN - Breaking Barriers in the Insurance Sector

It was fantastic to host this morning's Women's Insurance Network #Gibraltar "Breaking Barriers" workshop.

The aim of the network is to help women enter and reach senior positions in the male-dominated insurance sector. This morning's session fundamentally covered networking; how to be seen, heard and infiltrate what can sometimes be a daunting environment.

Fabulously co-hosted by hugely respected insurance sector professionals, Kathryn Morgan and Hassans' Partner Yvonne S.T. Chu, along with valuable insights from Christine Crowther, who has over 45 years of experience in the insurance sector, delegates enjoyed a series of tasks which produced accountable actions which will be followed up on in 6 months time.

Thank you to all the attendees, to the WIN Steer Group who shared their own tips with the audience, and to Nigel Feetham KC who popped in to show his support in the importance of empowering women in the insurance sector to break barriers and increase the ratio of women reaching senior positions.

If you are interested in joining the network, please visit

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