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Hassans becomes the latest Strategic Partner to join CWEIC and the Commonwealth Legal Network

February 8, 2022

Hassans International Law Firm Limited has become the latest Strategic Partner to join the Commonwealth Enterprise & Investment Council (CWEIC) and the Commonwealth Legal Network.

CWEIC is a commercial, not-for-profit membership organisation with an official mandate from the Commonwealth Heads of Government to facilitate trade and investment throughout the 54 Commonwealth member nations.

The role of CWEIC is to use the convening power and trusted network of the Commonwealth, which is led by Her Majesty The Queen, to drive trade and investment. The CWEIC’s network includes around 100 business and government Strategic Partners globally.

James Levy CBE QC, Senior Partner of Hassans, commented:

“Becoming a Strategic Partner of the CWEIC was an important step for Hassans. As the leading law firm in Gibraltar, it was a natural fit; providing counsel to the extensive global members, and actively developing and promoting mutual trade and investment opportunities amongst our Commonwealth.”

Chair of the Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council’s Gibraltar office, Ed Davis CB CBE, commented:

 “CWEIC is delighted to welcome Hassans as a Strategic Partner. Their international expertise and wide-ranging professional service offering will in no doubt add great value to our network and help strengthen and deepen Gibraltar’s relationships across many of the business sectors of the Commonwealth.  We very much look forward to working together.”

More information in relation to the CWEIC can be found at


James Levy CBE QC

, Senior Partner, Hassans

Lieutenant General Edward Davis CB CBE, Chair of the Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council’s Gibraltar office.

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