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Nigel Feetham QC appointed overall head of Hassans’ Financial Services Practice with James Lasry appointed as his deputy.

Hassans International Law Firm Limited is delighted to announce that Nigel Feetham QC has been appointed overall head of the firm’s Financial Services Practice with James Lasry appointed as his deputy.

Hassans’ expert team of lawyers, practising across the full spectrum of financial services offering, has assisted many of the world’s leading companies in the context of their operations and other links to Gibraltar in the last thirty years.  Together, Hassans’ financial services lawyers have accumulated considerable expertise and experience, in all areas of financial services, unrivalled in the local legal services market.  Leading the way in the development of Gibraltar’s banking, insurance, funds and investment industries, as well as, more recently, in the context of cryptocurrency and the wider DLT/fintech space (an area of significant growth), Hassans is delighted to make the announcement of Nigel Feetham QC as overall head of this key practice area. The restructured practice area includes the existing team leadership roles of Valerie Holliday as Banking and Financial Services Team Leader, James Lasry as Funds Team Leader (in addition to his new appointment as Deputy Head) and Anthony Provasoli as DLT/Fintech Team Leader.

Speaking on the news of his appointment as Head of Financial Services at Hassans, Nigel Feetham QC explained that:

“As part of the ongoing process of review and improvement of the services we offer our clients, the Firm has sought to renew its commitment to one of the key areas of practice, not just for the firm, but for Gibraltar as a jurisdiction too.  As we continue to work our way through the legacy of our departure from the European Union and look ahead to new opportunities, we are encouraged by a continuing growth in activity across all sectors.  Our innovation and the ability of this jurisdiction to adapt to changes in the financial services environment continue to be the ace up our sleeve.  We continue to experience an elevated level of interest from our clients and partners, who are placing their confidence in Gibraltar’s ability to continue to offer the blend of dynamism, innovation and right-touch regulation in the context of a widening scope of opportunity for our clients. I am delighted to be able to lead this team of outstanding lawyers forward into a new future where real opportunity exists alongside the inevitable challenges that lay ahead in the context of international initiatives on tax, transparency, and the wider regulation of digital businesses. I am certain that Gibraltar, with Hassans continuing to lead from the front on thought leadership, creativity and hard work, is poised to set itself up for the next five years of growth in financial services and beyond.”

Commenting on the appointment, Senior Partner James Levy said:

“I am delighted at Nigel’s appointment as overall Head of Financial Services of our firm.  As a pioneer in the insurance space, Nigel has the credentials, the expertise and the experience to set a direction for our firm’s work in this regard, bringing to bear his international standing and expansive network of contacts as we look forward to new opportunities in new sectors, new solutions and new markets.  I wish him and the rest of the team all the very best and look forward to working with them in making the financial services proposition for Gibraltar as irresistible as it has been and continues to be today.”


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