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Hassans advise Gamesys on Gibraltar aspects relating to an assets sale and partnership with The Intertain Group

Gamesys, the leading online bingo business, has agreed to sell parts of its business to The Intertain Group Limited, a Canadian online gaming company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, for an initial purchase price of £425.8 million in cash and shares, plus an earn out.

The transaction will see Intertain acquiring certain real money and social brands, marketing and player data assets. As part of the deal, Gamesys (Gibraltar) Limited, who are licensed and regulated in Gibraltar, will also enter into a long term services agreement with Intertain for the provision of platform services and gaming content.

Hassans International Law Firm advised and acted for Gamesys on all Gibraltar aspects of the transaction, including corporate, commercial and gambling regulatory matters, and represents another successful transaction for Hassans’ Gaming Law team who continue to act for the overwhelming majority of Gibraltar’s licenced remote gambling operators.

The transaction was led by Nyreen Llamas, Partner, assisted by Anthony Provasoli, Partner, and Andrew Montegriffo, Associate

Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

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