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Hassans announces record number of partner promotions

Hassans International Law Firm is delighted to announce that a record number of senior associates have been promoted to partnership with effect from the 1st July 2013.

Managing Partner, Javier Chincotta stated, “These promotions take our total number of partners to 36. The quality and depth of experience that each one brings to the table is significant in driving forward the future of the firm”.

The new partners are:

Emma Azopardi-Lejeune

, a Cardiff University graduate, called to the Bar in England & Wales in 2005. Emma recently successfully completed a diploma in Family Business Advising and is currently undertaking a course in International Estate and Succession Planning. Emma specialises in corporate and commercial law and has assisted numerous private clients in relocating and structuring their affairs in Gibraltar. She has also been involved in corporate restructures, business set ups in Gibraltar (in particular gaming operations), acquisitions, joint ventures and cross-border transactions.

Michael Nahon

, a Westminster University graduate, admitted to the Supreme Court of England and Wales in 1999. Michael is also called to the Gibraltar Bar. Michael has developed a niche practice in privacy law, regularly advising multinational corporations as well as the local gaming and banking sectors on their Gibraltar data protection obligations. Michael also contributes to data protection publications such as DLA’s Data Protection Laws of the World Handbook and PDP Journals. Aside from data protection, he also advises on intellectual property, corporate and commercial law matters and carries out private client work.

Anthony Provasoli

, a graduate from Nottingham Trent University, was called to the Bar in England & Wales and the Gibraltar Bar in 2005. Anthony specialises in corporate, commercial and financial services matters. His work also includes advising on matters of sports law and telecommunications regulation.

Maxi Torres

, a Kingston graduate, was called to the Bar in England & Wales in 2005. He advises private client and corporate and commercial matters in particular corporate restructures and acquisitions. He regularly advises on the establishment of offshore structures and operations corporate, specialising in restructuring, sales, acquisitions and cross-border transactions.

Gemma Vasquez (née Arias)

, a graduate from Oriel College, Oxford University, who qualified as a solicitor in Slaughter and May. Gemma specialises in corporate restructuring and has recently worked advising the Government of Gibraltar in revising the Companies Act, which is looking to come into force in 2014.

Senior Partner, James Levy CBE QC, commented:

“I am delighted that Emma, Michael, Anthony, Maxi and Gemma have joined the Partnership and I am sure they will continue to prove to be tremendous assets to the firm. This record number of promotions, in recent years, to partnership from our internal ranks shows the quality of lawyers and staff that we attract. It also demonstrates the firm’s commitment and expertise both from a product and geographic perspective which has continuously allowed us to offer the best quality of service to all our clients, locally and worldwide”.

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