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Hassans to donate £30,000 to Calpe House Trust over the next 3 years

James Levy CBE QC (Senior Partner) and Javier Chincotta (Managing Partner) of Hassans met with Trustees of Calpe House, Albert Poggio OBE GMH, Vice President and Edward Yome, the Commissioner of Police, to present a cheque for £10,000. Hassans has committed to providing £10,000 to the Trust each year for the next three years.

Hassans’ donation will support the building/furnishing of three adjoining properties to meet the ever-increasing demand for accommodation for sponsored patients. When completed, these buildings will provide 38 en-suite rooms, large common rooms and kitchens.  The total investment will be in the region of £16 million pounds.

James Levy commented:

“Creating this home away from home for fellow Gibraltarian patients and their families when they most need, is critical.  We are very pleased to support this worthy trust which has helped, and shall continue helping, so many fellow Gibraltarians. ”

L-R Edward Yome (the Commissioner of Police) James Levy CBE QC (Senior Partner, Hassans), Albert Poggio OBE GMH (Vice-President, Calpe House Trust), Javier Chincotta (Managing Partner, Hassans)

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