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Hassans donates £35,000 in support of GHA workers

In support of the continuing demands being faced by the GHA, Hassans has made a £20,000 donation to the GHA Covid-19 fund. The funds will be used to ensure the GHA continues to be fully equipped to serve the Gibraltar community at the highest possible level.

The donation is in addition to a £15,000 sponsorship to Feeding the Frontline, which provides key workers with nutritious meals whilst they are caring for our community. The donation will fund the cooking and delivery of food to GHA facilities every day for three months.

Javier Chincotta

, Managing Partner, commented:

“The GHA is doing a phenomenal job. The coming together of our community, both businesses and individuals, to raise over £1,000,000 is a true show of appreciation of the extremely demanding situation the GHA team is facing. In Gibraltar we come together and unite like no other when our Gibraltar needs us.”

James Levy CBE QC

, Senior Partner, concludes:

“The true Gibraltar spirit is never stronger than when we are in a time of crisis. The generosity of our community has, as usual, been outstanding and I am delighted that we are able to join together in support of our dedicated health service. Our gratitude has never been greater.”

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