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80 Years of Hassans

As part of our 80th Anniversary celebrations this year, we have created a mini documentary series reflecting on how Gibraltar has changed and grown since Hassans was founded back in 1939 and how the firm has helped drive Gibraltar's development. To view each episode simply click on the corresponding image below.

Chapter One – Sir Joshua: A look at our firm's founder, Sir Joshua Hassan, and how his legacy continues to shape the Gibraltar of today. Featuring Senior Partner James Levy CBE QC and Partners Peter Montegriffo QC and Tony Provasoli.

Chapter Two – New Opportunities: The reopening of the border with Spain created new opportunities for Gibraltar as Hassans advised on new developments and projects such as the land reclamation. Featuring interviews with Senior Partner James Levy CBE QC and Partner Peter Montegriffo QC.

Chapter Three - Gaming: The Online Gaming industry has been a huge success for Gibraltar attracting some of the biggest brands in the business and growing to become one of the largest economic drivers in recent years. Yet, surprisingly, it might never happened at all were it not for one fortuitous meeting between Hassans’ Senior Partner James Levy and the former Chairman of Ladbrokes, Cyril Stein. Ladbrokes were the first, but more soon followed…

Chapter Four - A Time To Reflect: Hassans can be seen almost as a microcosm of Gibraltar itself - small but rich in diversity, many different faces, many different stories but one people, all working together. In this chapter we reflect on all of those different people who have been a part of the Hassans family these past 80 years.

Chapter Five - Brexit and the Future: Gibraltar has overcome much adversity these past eight decades only to emerge stronger than ever before. And, although the uncertainty surrounding Brexit presents a clear and immediate challenge, it pales in comparison with the threats The Rock has faced throughout its long and turbulent history. We at Hassans remains hopeful for the future, ever on the lookout for new opportunities, new technologies, new markets and new horizons. We also recognise a while new generation of bright, creative and globally-minded people and welcome the fresh new ideas they bring. This is why we firmly believe that Gibraltar’s best days are ahead of it.




Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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