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Changes to Hassans’ Financial Services Management Team

Following the appointment of Nigel Feetham KC, Hassans’ Head of Financial Services as Minster for Justice, Trade and Industry at HM Government of Gibraltar, we are pleased to announce that James Lasry, Head of Funds and currently Deputy Head of Financial Services has been appointed as Hassans’ Head of Financial Services with Anthony Provasoli, Head of Fintech taking the role of Deputy Head of Financial Services. Yvonne Chu and Aaron Payas will head up the firm’s Insurance and Funds practices respectively.  

James Lasry commented:

“I wish to extend my heartful congratulations to Nigel Feetham KC on his new position which, considering his vast knowledge of financial services, he is eminently placed to undertake. I look forward to continuing his excellent work and to strengthening Gibraltar’s place in the world of international financial services. I am also very much looking forward to working closely with Anthony to continue to attract and serve our valued clients.”

Commenting on the appointments, Javier Chincotta, Managing Partner, said:

“We wish James and, Anthony the very best in their new roles. We have built a wealth of expertise at Hassans and that strength and depth allows us to provide a seamless transition in leadership of the team. James Lasry has long been a leader in the field of investment funds and we look forward to his leadership in financial services as well. The appointment of blockchain expert Anthony Provasoli as Deputy Head signals the importance we are giving to serving the digital economy.”

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