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Client Profile: eToro

eToro is a market-leading social trading network and multi-asset brokerage company with a global user base of millions. The company was born in January 2007 and pioneered Bitcoin trading in 2013. In February 2017 it expanded its range of tradable cryptocurrencies to include other popular cryptocurrencies including Ethereum and Litecoin.

eToro has its headquarters in Tel Aviv plus offices in Cyprus and the UK. It later opened another office in Gibraltar, under advice from Hassans International Law Firm and its FinTech team.

Yoni Assia, CEO & Founder:
"eToro was attracted to the Rock for various reasons. Firstly, Gibraltar is a hugely successful and business-friendly jurisdiction that enjoys a good standing globally, plus it moves swiftly and has always been way ahead of the pack. The DLT Regulations are a case in point."

Elad Lavi, Head of Corporate Development:
"When we first met with the Gibraltar regulator we saw the regulator was willing to have an open dialogue with the company... we really liked the engagement and the discussions."

eToro received their Gibraltar DLT Operator Licence in December 2018. Hassans advised eToro throughout the licence application process. In April 2019 the company then launched their new Gibraltar-based crypto trading platform, eToroX.

Yoni Assia, CEO & Founder:
"The licence progress is thorough but, by being able to work so closely with the Gibraltar Regulator, as well as legal experts on the ground, we found it to be a rewarding and enlightening one. As they say, good things come to those who wait."

"We are in the process of applying for a DLT Licence with the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission. We are delighted to have been advised and assisted throughout this process by our Gibraltar lawyers, Hassans International Law Firm, who have been extremely professional and supportive. Our experience of the application process with the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission and dealing with Gibraltar professional service providers has been excellent so far. We are in the process of building a Gibraltar presence and are looking forward to becoming one of the first companies to be operating in the cryptocurrency space with a Gibraltar licence that is specifically designed for cryptocurrency-related businesses."

See more Hassans FinTech clients.

The World's Biggest Brands Choose Hassans

From low corporate tax rates to business-friendly regulation, an efficient legal and financial system, to world-class infrastructure – there are plenty of reasons why so many of the world's biggest companies choose Gibraltar.

As the largest law firm in Gibraltar, who helped spark the genesis of the jurisdiction's crypto industry, Hassans is the natural choice for anyone looking to establish a crypto-based business in Gibraltar.

Our firm advises on issues ranging from property and employment law to taxation. Our dedicated FinTech advisors, meanwhile, will work closely with you and your team, providing guidance on a broad range of issues such as establishing a business presence in Gibraltar, DLT Licence applications and ICO and Gibraltar's upcoming token regulations.

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