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Sovereign Art Foundation (SAF) Student Prize, Gibraltar.

Hassans International Law Firm Limited is very proud to be able to support the Sovereign Art Foundation (SAF) Student Prize in Gibraltar for the third year running.

As avid supporters of the local arts and culture scene in Gibraltar, we firmly believe that it is our duty to support the development of our youth. The SAF Gibraltar Student Prize is an excellent initiative, recognising and celebrating artistic talent within our younger community, coupled with the development of therapeutic art facilities to aid children who most need it in Gibraltar, and allowing all children access to the expression of art. 

Our thanks to the team at SAF Gibraltar, to all the local art teachers who support their students in developing their skills and who have helped them make their submissions, and also to the judges who no doubt had an extremely difficult but highly rewarding task in selecting the 20 finalists from the 88 entries received, and who will ultimately decide the Judges' Winner at the end of the voting period.

The public can learn more about each piece, and the artists, and also vote for their favourite here. For those local to Gibraltar, the artwork will be on display at Xapo Bank, Casemates Square from 20.11.23 - 01.12.23.

All of us at Hassans wish the all the finalists the best of luck and we very much look forward to awarding the Hassans’ Prize on Thursday 30th November 2023, presented by Wayne Fortunato.

The entries submitted each year are consistently of an exceptional standard; our local student artists should take great pride in their talent.

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