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Gibraltar Young Enterprise '24 Winner Announced

Hassans' Partner Andrew Montegriffo was one of three judges on the panel at this year’s Young Enterprise Gibraltar Finals, at which Vital Stories was announced Company of the Year

Vital developed and presented their concept of telling vital stories, aiming to educate children on essential sustainability and eco preservation topics. Their first product is an interactive book raising awareness relating to the impacts of pollution with Gibraltar-themed characters and animations entitled "Marley and the Mediterranean Mess”.  

This year, nine teams presented at the Young Enterprise Finals. As ever, the quality of the submissions was extremely high and required intensive scrutiny. Andrew and his fellow judges attended presentations from each team and spent the day interviewing the finalists, assessing their business plans and considering their achievements since the project launched in September 2023.

As longstanding sponsors of this important programme, Hassans is looking forward to being involved again next year, not only in the judging process but also mentoring the teams to help them realise their goals and, hopefully, reach the Gibraltar Finals and ultimately the UK Finals. We are delighted that Isabella Lombard, having taken part in a Dragon's Den style panel in the early stages of this year's programme, has been asked to be a business advisor in the 2025 Young Enterprise Gibraltar programme. 

Andrew commented: 

“Our heartfelt congratulations to the winning team and we wish them the very best in the UK Young Enterprise UK Finals. Thank you to Sharon Davies, CEO, Young Enterprise UK for coming to Gibraltar to be part of the Gibraltar Finals and to all the students who took part and the schools and mentors who supported them." 


The YE programme aims to educate, inspire and empower students in the world of commerce through programmes that maximise their potential, creativity and innovation. Vital will represent Gibraltar in the Young Enterprise UK Finals.

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