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Hassans' Golf Day 2024

Whilst we unforgivably failed in meeting our guests' pleas to turn down the temp a little, we all had the best day at Alcaidesa Links Golf Resort with some very impressive scores! 

This year we also gave guests the chance to take a couple of mulligans each to raise funds for Prostate Cancer Gibraltar ahead of their #freetheknee campaign at the end of the month. A huge thanks to those that donated - amount raised to follow. 

Thank you to our guests who also joined us for lunch and to the NatWest guys who couldn't join us despite their best efforts :-( 

Our congrats to the winning team hosted by Nicholas Howard accompanied by Charles Isola, Kasper Thy Jessen and Louis Montegriffo. Seems Nick had a good day also taking home the nearest the pin H8 prize.

In second, Alex Powell, Ariel Belilo, Christian Mascarenhas and Patrick Edelman. Great day also for Alex who won the Nearest the Pin H12 prize.

In third, Fred Kaniyke, Pete Haynes, Jose Antonio Ferrera and David Evans.

Also congrats to Ricardo Rony Santillan, Shaun Adams and Darren Anton who were suitably overwhelmed by their prize for the team with an eagle!

Longest Drive H18 (female) was once again won by our own Gabby McGhie
Longest Drive H3 (male) was won by Christian Mascarenhas
Nearest the Pin H17 (female) was won by tournament host Yvonne S.T. Chu
Nearest the Pin H6 (female) was won by Agi Savitz. 

Many many thanks to Pro Shop Sotogrande (Ron Westdorp) for the kind donation of vouchers for the longest drive and nearest the pin. 

Thanks to Nerea Dominguez Ariza for dealing with all our changes with patience and grace and the team at Sal Verde Charo Sato & Leyre Romano for ensuring we were all fed and watered. 

And last but never least Vikram Nagrani for his long standing expert golf day consultancy, Theresa Quach for her wonderful photography skills and Amelia Nunez, Mance Carroll & Lily Palmer, the Hassans' happy helpers! 

Until next year!




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