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Hassans ranked Band 1 in Chambers High Net Worth Guide 2024

Four Hassans’ Partners have retained their Band 1 rankings in the Chambers High Net Worth (HNW) Guide launched today with the firm overall also receiving a Band 1 ranking. 

The Chambers HNW Guide ranks the leading and most dedicated lawyers and law firms for international private wealth. On Hassans, a client stated, “the balance of expertise and real duty of care with that personal touch is something I have never seen before and is truly outstanding! There are very strong and deep relationships between members.”

The Hassans’ lawyers ranked are James Levy CBE KC (“He is a practitioner with the unique balance of being an exceptional lawyer that has unparalleled international experience, commercial understanding and integrity in truly caring about clients.”), Isaac Levy (“Isaac and his team have tremendous working knowledge of the UK tax system and are very spot on in their advice. They really understand the investments of clients and are able to challenge it.”), Peter Montegriffo KC (“He is probably one of the best lawyers in Gibraltar; thorough, great experience and attention to detail. He never misses anything. He is just a very mature lawyer in dealing with complex families.”) and Vikram Nagrani (“Vikram is an excellent lawyer, extremely professional and commercial.”).

Javier Chincotta, Managing Partner, commented:

“It’s very rewarding to receive such testimonials from our valued clients contacts and thank each and every one of them for taking the time to provide references throughout the year. The Band 1 rankings across the board demonstrate the top level service our lawyers continue to provide.”

The guide also recommends top accountancy firms, private banks, wealth managers, trust companies and other professional advisers to high net worth and ultra-high net worth Individual's and clients, globally. The full rankings can be seen here.


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