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Cottage Industries in Gibraltar: A Simple Path to Compliance

Starting a small business can be daunting, especially for those with no experience in the relevant business licensing and other regulations. However, for those businesses that qualify as cottage industry businesses in Gibraltar, the path is refreshingly straightforward. According to the Business Licensing requirements which were recently brought into force, these small-scale businesses are exempt from applying for a business licence, provided they meet specific criteria.

What is a Cottage Industry?

A cottage industry refers to a small business operated from home, often characterised by a modest annual turnover. In Gibraltar, if your business falls under this category and generates an annual turnover of less than £20,000, you are exempt from applying for a standard business license. Instead, you simply need to register with the OFT and ensure you renew this registration periodically.

Registration Process

The registration process is designed to be user-friendly. You need to submit a straightforward application detailing the nature of your business, the address from which you will be operating the business, and confirm that your turnover is below the £20,000 threshold. Once registered, you can operate legally without the need for a full business licence, subject to annual renewal of the registration.

Benefits of This Exemption

Avoiding licensing fees and the associated administrative burden significantly reduces startup costs. The streamlined registration process is less time-consuming than the full licensing procedure, allowing entrepreneurs to focus more on growing their business. Additionally, operating under the cottage industry framework provides the flexibility to test business ideas with lower financial risk.


Gibraltar's approach to regulating cottage industries supports small business growth by reducing barriers to entry. By simply registering and maintaining this status, entrepreneurs can enjoy the benefits of a legal operating framework which is easier to secure. If you are considering starting a small business from home, this pathway offers an excellent opportunity to launch and grow your venture with ease.

Importantly, depending on the nature of your business, you may be required to comply with other requirements such as, for example, food hygiene standards where the business involves the creation of food products.

Whatever business you’re looking to dive into, reach to me by email on for a free initial discussion.

Gibraltar's approach to regulating cottage industries supports small business growth by reducing barriers to entry.

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