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Hassans' Summer Programme 2024 ✔

A huge thank you to the 43 students who joined us for the Hassans Summer Programme 2024. 

Alongside shadowing their buddy, each cohort experienced two weeks of commercial and dispute resolution tasks including a Dragon's Den format pitch, a bail application, a negotiation task, a real life client research exercise and the Hassans' Moot - a chance for the groups to experience a judicial proceeding and to be cross examined by some of Hassans' most formidable litigators.

The overarching aim is to demonstrate a broad cross section of the reality of working in a law firm and the different types of work available. Very honest feedback from the students has told us we're doing a lot right, and that there's always fine tuning to be done. We look forward to listening and reacting to their comments to ensure that we continue to provide another valuable Summer Programme next year.

Thank you to Richard Mor, Sofia Baglietto, Lenise Mifsud and the rest of the HR team, along with project lead Richard Buttigieg and all the buddies and lawyers who helped make this a rewarding experience for the students.

Cohort One: 
Yitzhak Abudarham Elizabeth Barnes-Moreno Alessia Boveri Phoebe Bruce Eva Cosquieri, Vladislava Dmitrenko, Sebastian Diaz Mateos, Jonathan Garson, Solomon Kench, Zac Marshall, Johan Perez, Thomas Posso, James Rocca, Krish Daryanani, Fatima Aissaoui 

Cohort Two:
Natan Anahory, Daniel Anahory, Aharon Dove, Nicholas Andrews, Lewis Baglietto, Mariah Ballester, Daniel Benchabbat, Raquel Benzaquen, Anna Castle, Maria Chumillas Onteniente, Hannah Elbez, Katie James, Samuel Killcross, Taylor Frederick.

Cohort Three: 
Deeta Mahbubani, Sam Woolich, Reece Atkinson, James Canepa, Emmanuelle Cottrell, Briana Chrome, Kyle Cuadra-Morris, Ángel Luis de Lara Uceda, Aryan Dhanwani, Evan Dyer, James Macdonald, Louis Santos, Olivia Singh, Cameron Talbot.


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