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Paris 2024 Olympic Games: The legal consequences of limited television coverage

The most recent edition of Sports Law & Taxation has featured our article on the legal consequences of the much criticised television coverage of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. 

Following the close of the 2024 Paris Olympics, discussions concerning content availability, broadcasting rights, and the laws controlling sports event distribution have been spurred by complaints about the limited television coverage experienced in these Games when compared to previous editions. 

In order to understand better the legal ramifications of these changes, the article looks at three main areas: intellectual property rights; broadcasting rights; and potential challenges resulting from limited viewing access to sports’ showcase event.

You can access the article here

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“The Paris 2024 Olympics marked a turning point in the history of sports broadcasting, as more regulated TV coverage and a major move towards digital platforms were implemented. Although this offers room for creativity and more freedom in terms of how content is consumed, it also raises a multitude of legal issues. To guarantee that the Games are open to everyone and that their legal risks are kept to a minimum, the IOC and broadcasters must negotiate a complicated legal environment that includes issues, such as the distribution of broadcasting rights, the enforcement of intellectual property, the effect on consumers, and the possibility of legal challenges. All of that whilst trying to accommodate evolving consumer preferences and complying with the values of the Olympic Movement!”

Paris 2024 Olympic Games: The legal consequences of limited television coverage

The most recent edition of Sports Law & Taxation has featured our article on the legal consequences of the much criticised television...

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