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| 1 minute read

Social distancing need not bring business to a halt

As Italy yesterday overtook China as the global epicentre of deaths owing to the spread of COVID-19, more and more limitations are imposed on our movements and our direct, physical interaction with others. 

We take a look at the more obscure, but no less important, practical difficulties that social distancing is presenting and how these difficulties are being overcome, specifically in the context of the execution of deeds and other contracts.

In the context of the execution of a Will, a document which requires witnessing to be properly executed, physical interaction is unavoidable. Here at Hassans we have seen an increase of people looking to settle their affairs in this sense, their minds focused by the constant stream of news and social media messages about the spread of the virus, perhaps.

Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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Hassans’ Summer Programme 2024 ✔

A huge thank you to the 43 students who joined us for the Hassans Summer Programme 2024. Alongside shadowing their buddy, each cohort...

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New income tax measures announced relating to sales of real property in Gibraltar

On 1 July in the 2024 Budget Address, the Minister with responsibility for Taxation announced that a new measure will be introduced to...

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