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Innovative. Bold. Human.

Hassans’ Training Contract Scheme

Hassans has been servicing and developing personal relationships with our local and international clients for over 80 years. In this time our firm has grown significantly and has had an important part to play in Gibraltar’s growth.

We know that our junior lawyers are the future of our business. We recognise the importance of recruiting the right individuals and providing them with an environment in which they can be innovative, influence change and thrive personally and professionally. We believe that our business flourishes by ensuring that our lawyers feel valued and are provided with the right tools to facilitate their growth.

Meet some of our current and past trainees.


Brian Caetano joined Hassans in May 2022 as a trainee barrister and is now an Associate in the Litigation department. 

What was your academic route to becoming a Hassans trainee?

I joined Hassans in May 2022 as a trainee Barrister having studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics, followed by a Masters in Political Science with a specialisation in EU policy. Following this, and prior to commencing my career in Hassans, I completed the GELLB course and the Bar Practice Course coupled with an LLM in pro-bono services.

What work have you already been involved in?

I initially spent time working in the Corporate/Commercial Department and the Litigation Department, under the close guidance of Isaac Levy, Moshe Levy and Karl Ghio.

As Gibraltar’s largest law firm, the work I continue to be exposed to is of immense quality. I have been involved in both large transactions involving international and publicly listed companies, as well as assisting in several high value and complex litigations.

What can Hassans offer potential applicants?

Hassans, aside from being a large and fast-paced law firm, is one that I would describe as providing an ideal platform from which to learn, further develop and refine your skills. As a proud Gibraltarian law firm it is also always heavily involved in community and charitable events. If you are interested in learning and are willing to put in the work and time that is required in order to achieve what it is that you aspire to achieve, then Hassans is definitely the place for you!

Shlomo Levy joined Hassans at the beginning of 2020 and is an Associate specialising in Corporate and Private Client matters.

What were your initial impressions upon joining the firm?

Settling in was very easy. The existing trainees were each very welcoming and more than happy to assist me at every turn. Although very busy, partners operate an open-door policy and always take the time to explain how matters should be conducted. At Hassans, both solicitors and barristers undertake a two-year training period, during which we don’t have to meet any financial targets – my focus during my training period was therefore on learning, proving myself, and being as useful as possible to the teams around me.

What type of work can future trainees expect to be involved in?

Hassans can provide similar work to a London City firm but in much more intimate and inclusive surroundings – this is very reflective of the community of Gibraltar. Rather than being purely theoretical, the training was mostly practical which provides a real opportunity for trainees to flourish from day one. New recruits are given a lot of responsibility under the guidance of vastly experienced industry-leading practitioners.

What was your experience of your first seat?

I started my training contract working with the Corporate Department. The fact that, generally, no two days were the same has pros and cons. Although new practitioners may often find themselves working unsociable hours, a trainee will often undertake a broad variety of legal work which offers valuable experience and a priceless opportunity to develop professionally.

Chloe Oppenheimer Fa is a Senior Associate in the Corporate Department. Chloe first attended Hassans as a student in the Summer 2010 Student Programme.

What was your experience of the Summer Programme at Hassans?

The summer programme at Hassans was different to other summer programmes I had previously attended. The lawyers put time and effort into giving me an insight into their daily lives and I didn’t feel like I was just a number. A year later I moved to Gibraltar to start my training contract. I remember feeling very grateful to be offered a training contract at the largest law firm in Gibraltar. I immediately felt integrated into the team and quickly became involved in a variety of matters, including the drafting of the Companies Act 2014.

What sets Hassans apart?

Hassans is a big firm with a small firm feel. The firm is made up of closely knit teams who support each other and create a positive working environment. Hassans has the reputation to attract clients from all around the world which results in high-quality and high-value work and requires the best talent to meet our clients’ expectations. I have continuously been given the right amount of support to allow me to excel and have worked on a diverse portfolio of local and international transactions.

Have you managed to balance stress, ambition and leisure?

Finding a work-life balance is an art in itself. It’s a challenge we all experience. The right balance makes for happy people which results in a good work environment and high-quality output. Hassans is extremely supportive and allows for flexibility – this makes a noticeable difference to my personal life away from the office.






Aaron Payas joined Hassans in 2008 and is a Partner and Head of Funds. His practice primarily focuses on investment funds, DeFi, cryptocurrencies and the tokenisation of assets. 

What was your road to partnership, and ultimately Head of Funds?

I followed a less than traditional path into the profession, initially studying Mathematics at university and later undertaking a conversion to Law. At Hassans, I was given the opportunity to go out on secondments with the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission and with a boutique prime brokerage firm – these opportunities provided me with invaluable experience. During my time at the firm, I was also supported in attaining the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charter from the reputable CFA Institute.

What do you feel is a key advantage of joining Hassans as a trainee? 

The ability to develop a strong understanding in all areas of law whilst still being able to specialise in as narrow a field of practice as we choose. My background in Mathematics and CFA charter dovetailed neatly with my practice which focuses largely on technical financial services work and bespoke work in the areas of DeFi and cryptocurrencies.

To find out more as to whether Hassans is the right firm for you, check out our FAQs below which provides you with all you need to know about the firm, what skill set and characteristics we are looking for, as well as insights from lawyers who started out as trainees at the firm, and what their experience has been.


Hassans’ Trainee Recruitment FAQs

Why Hassans?

We are entrepreneurial.

We are committed to fulfilling Gibraltar’s potential, and have been a driving force within the local economy, at the very forefront of those industries for which Gibraltar is known internationally, including gaming, fintech, and blockchain. If you are passionate about new industries Hassans is the right place for you.

We are bold.

Being entrepreneurial requires courage. We embrace challenges and learn how to manage them. We understand that achievements are the result of relentless pursuits, and find confidence knowing that we are all driven by the will to make an impact, and improve things.

We are human.

The need for community is paramount, and defines our very nature as human beings. A large part of our ability to keep true with our entrepreneurial spirit, and to boldly take on new challenges, stems from knowing that we can find support and guidance. Whilst we have an international attitude, and proudly embrace the very highest standards of service, we never let go of our more personal side. We treasure relationships, and look out for each other.

What can you expect from Hassans?


At Hassans you will gain exposure to a wide range of practice areas. We advise high-profile local and international clients on a broad range of issues, giving you the opportunity to work on exciting, novel and challenging matters. Working with international clients also means that you will experience working with lawyers in other jurisdictions and across multiple-time zones.

Expert learning.

You will learn from leading lawyers that are recognised as experts in their fields. Our Trainee Training Programme will provide you with the opportunity to learn from senior lawyers that have developed and continue to shape the industries that they work in.


We can only improve as a business if our lawyers do as well. This is why we encourage our lawyers to develop their technical expertise as well as their personal skills and have established the Hassans Academy, through which all lawyers are given ongoing training suited to each stage of their careers. We also financially support our lawyers who undertake further studies.


You will find a diverse group of individuals whom all contribute to a hard-working but collegiate and enjoyable working atmosphere. At our core is a vibrant group of junior lawyers who appreciate the importance of striving for excellence to maintain the Hassans reputation, whilst achieving a good work-life balance and promoting a positive working environment for all.

What we are looking for?


Our trainees are given responsibility from the outset to deal directly with clients, provide support to their teams and become involved in important matters. We look for people who thrive off this responsibility and seek out opportunities.

Commercial drive and entrepreneurial spirit.

Our business is to support our clients’ businesses. An understanding and awareness of commercial issues is crucial. Trainees should also be commercial in their approach to dealing with clients, getting involved in marketing the firm’s services and building new business.

Strong interpersonal skills.

We are a collaborative firm with a varied and diverse client base.

The ability to work in a team and communicate appropriately and efficiently is key.

Motivation to learn and develop.

We believe we can all learn from each other and never stop learning.

We look for trainees who are inquisitive and also willing to share their experience, ideas and opinions with others.

Academic acheivement.

We expect a demonstrable strong academic history however we are equally as interested in your non-academic achievements and experiences.

What is our diversity policy?

Our clients come from all corners of the globe and all walks of life and so do we.

We celebrate the fact that we are all equally different and we welcome enquiries from everyone. A commitment to promoting diversity and developing a workplace environment where all staff can be themselves and feel empowered to succeed is central to our recruitment process.

If you have any disability-related queries or would like to have a conversation with our experienced team regarding adjustments, please contact our Head of Human Resources, Richard Mor on  

What does the training contract involve?

During your training contract, you will spend time across the four main departments of the firm: Corporate & Commercial, Private Clients, Property and Litigation. You will also attend the Professional Certificate of Competence in Gibraltar Law and the Professional Skills Course at the University of Gibraltar.

The Hassans’ Trainee Training Programme will help you navigate through the many activities and responsibilities of your role as a Hassans’ trainee.

During your first few weeks, you will be briefed on your role and introduced to the different tools which form part of your day to day work. You will learn about how the firm is structured and how it operates and, will be introduced to different departments and practitioners.

Following this induction, you will receive ongoing training covering substantive aspects (such as contract drafting) as well as soft-skills (such as research and communication) which we firmly believe form a core part of any successful career in law.

We want to empower you, and the Trainee Training Programme is our way of giving you the best tools to unleash your potential and prepare you to face the many exciting challenges which will arise during your career.

How can I apply for a training contract?

Most of our trainees are recruited from our Summer Programme however, we are always keen to hear from quality candidates at any time. 

Please send your CV and a covering letter to Head of HR, Richard Mor.

Gibraltar Office

Call us on: +350 20079000
Fax: +350 20071966
Pop in: PO Box 199,
Madison Building,
Midtown, Queensway,
Gibraltar, GX11 1AA

Spain Office

Call us on: +34 956785299
Pop in: Edf. Sotomarket, Oficina 8 Autovia Del Mediterraneo E-15, Salida 130

Contact Us

Located at the gates to the Mediterranean, Gibraltar is in the Central European Timezone.

Our professionals can be reached directly by email, contact details of which can be located in our People section.  If you’re uncertain of the best person to speak to, please email us at or complete the confidential form and one of our team will direct your enquiry.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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